Değerli Halkımız,
Bildiğiniz üzre geçtiğimiz haftalarda ABC ve SBS 1915 olayları konusundaki tek taraflı yayın politikasını doruk noktaya çıkararak yeni bir skandala imza attılar.
Geçtiğimiz yıllarda anlayamadığımız bir şekilde, 1915 olayları konusunda objektiflikten uzak, tek taraflı bir yayın politikası izlemeye başlayan ABC ve SBS, bunu bizlerin vergileriyle sürdürmekte.
Şunu bilmenizi isteriz ki, ATA-A olarak, Yayın İlekleri gereği her konuda tarafsızlığını korumakla mükellef olan ABC ve SBS’i bir kaç kendini bilmezin gaspetmesine izin vermeyeceğiniz.
ATA-A yetkilileri önümüzdeki hafta içerisinde ABC’den gerekli kişilerle görüşerek Türk halkının tepkisini kendilerine iletecekler. Bu konuda sizlerin de yardımınıza ihtiyacımız var.
Lütfen aşağıda paylaştığımız örnek metin çerçevesinde ABC’ye ve SBS’e gereken tepkileri hep birlikte verelim. Bunu şimdi yapmadığımız takdirde ilerde çok geç kalmış olabiliriz.
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I write to you as one of your concerned viewers.
The primary reason for the letter is to protest the biased and unbalanced way in which this issue was presented in at least four programs – “Drum” , “Lateline” , “Q&A” and ABC News Radio interview with Tracey Holmes.
In all of the programs, Mr Geoffrey Robertson QC, in Australia, funded by the Armenian Lobby, to promote his new book “An Inconvenient Genocide”, was given free reign to advertise his publication apparently free of charge on the national broadcaster.
We feel that this in itself is a breach of the ABC’s own policy. He was interviewed on ABC’s Latenight program on October 20th, The Drum on October 22nd, and ABC News Radio on October 23rd, during which he gave almost the same monologue about his new book on the events of 1915. No alternative views or questions were put forward. Mr Robertson QC has also secured a seat on the Q&A panel that week which, was although ostensibly about ISIS, let him spruik his book and put only one side of this issue.
The reporting on these programs and the videos shown are all one-sided, and present only that which the propaganda of the ANC has provided. Both of the programs have failed to preserve the objectivity on the issue by not letting any comments from the Turkish community in Australia. In neither case was there any attempt to actually conduct any independent assessment, let alone present any view challenging Mr Robertson’s conclusions.
Although they do not receive the same amount of media coverage, there is a substantial body of international legal, history, and genocide experts, from many countries, who dispute the claim that the event of 1915 constitute a ‘genocide’. It is a well defined legal term and without a competent court opinion using this term is just like naming a person as a “murderer” without a court sentence, this is demeaning for the Turkish community in Australia. The same happened last year when Prof Justin McCarthy was insulted by ABC as a “genocide-denier” straight away by defence correspondent Michael Brissenden, when he presented his scientific knowledge on the issue. This simply was not an objective reporting.
Indeed, some of the language used in the past by ABC reporters, as exemplified above, has verged on the defamatory. At the very least, it has had the effect of denigrating those who hold an alternative view, smearing them with the “denialist” hardly suggests that the ABC welcomes a free and open expression of well formed argument, based on proper study.
Moreover SBS and especially the SBS Armenian Radio program; directed by Vahe Kateb, has been used as a one-sided propaganda agent for the Armenian Lobby, to divide the Turkish and Armenian communities in Australia. They use this programme to invite the Armenian Australians to protests against the Turkish Missions in Australia (which were subject to terror attacks by Armenians in 1980s), to advertise one-sided books about the so-called “genocide”, to attract support for campaigns against Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and other government officials on this issue. This is simply unacceptable.
Had the ABC and SBS any desire to present the issue in an informative and objective way, we would have been more than happy to provide whatever materials, and indeed contact with relevant scholars, who could have provided balance to the coverage.
We believe in the impartiality of ABC and SBS and support their independent reporting. The alternative views are mostly being represented on every other issue but why not on this highly controversial topic? Australia and Turkey have developed a significant bond, as have the people of both countries. We believe that we at least deserve to be treated as equal citizens.
In the interests of balance, we ask you to allow the alternative point of view to be put forward. This is a matter of extreme importance to us, and we feel that your Charter also obliges you to permit differing views equivalent air time.
We stress that we are in no way seeking to muzzle or silence debate on this topic. On the contrary, we welcome an open, and honest discussion, particularly amongst people who have some expertise in this field. Whilst we appreciate that Mr Robertson enjoys a great deal of respect, he is not infallible, and was clearly not subject to the rigorous interrogation of his position that many others, particularly on Lateline, have. We think in the interests of balance that the alternative view ought also be given equal air time, and that the ABC should facilitate the free contest of ideas and equality of access to its audience.