The PKK, which allegedly advocates “peace and democracy” and does not have a terror agenda, on Monday carried out two new bloody attacks on security forces in the southeastern province of Şırnak, leaving four police officers along with a soldier dead and eight wounded.
ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY GENERAL THE HONOURABLE SIR PETER COSGROVE AK MC (RETD) ON THE OCCASION OF GALLIPOLI PENINSULAR, TURKEY 7 AUGUST 2015 Australians are ordinary people, with all the frailties and vulnerabilities of our kind. Yet we gather across this commemorative period, 100 years on from World War I to reflect on a remarkable period in modern world history which affected the whole world and not least our nation Australia, in such a dramatic way that we still struggle to understand it. We do know that it called for the most extraordinary efforts from our forbears. Many lie here on Turkish soil. (more…)COMMEMORATION OF THE CENTENARY OF THE BATTLE OF LONE PINE
Booing of Aborigine Adam Goodes — accompanied by racial slurs and epithets — labelled ‘shameful moment in AFL history’
By Jill Fraser
An indigenous footballer is at the heart of a nationwide racism furore after a campaign of unrelenting harassment that culminated last weekend in a torrent of abuse by fans of the opposing team.