
22 Jan

The Perinçek v. Switzerland case and the Holocaust denial

by Maxime Gauin

On January 28, the hearing of the Perinçek v. Switzerland case will take place in front of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights. This is one of the most important cases regarding the freedom of expression in Europe during the last decades.

In short, the story is the following. In 1995, Switzerland adopted a law (integrated in the criminal code as Article 261 bis) banning the expression of racism, as well as the negation, the justification or the “crude minimization” of genocide (without precise references to what exactly must be called “genocide”). Six years later, the Switzerland-Armenia Association—ASA, created in 1992 by James Karnusian, the very same man who established, in early 1970s, the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation (ASALA), an anti-Turkish, anti-Semitic, anti-French terrorist organization—began its attempts to misuse this Swiss anti-denial law, suing some persons who had “denied” the accusations of “Armenian genocide.” The ASA failed twice, but won in 2007 against Doğu Perinçek, a controversial Turkish politician who had stated in Switzerland: “Armenian genocide is an imperialist lie.” Mr. Perinçek filed an application to the European Court of Human Rights and the Court found him right, ruling that Switzerland had violated his freedom of expression. Unable to admit its fault and violating its promises made to Ankara, Switzerland filed an application to the Grand Chamber.


20 Jan

Vatanını ve istiklalini savunan Türklere duyulan saygı

by Rasih Bensan 29 Temmuz 2012

“ Savaşı biz kazandık” demişti sınıf arkadaşım. “Hayır biz kazandık” diye cevap verdim. “ Siz daha çok şehit verdiniz, demek ki biz kazandık” diye itiraz etti. “ Evet ama şehit sayısı değil sonuç önemli, siz Çanakkale’yi geçememiştiniz”.

Tarih dersi için yeni bir öğretmen gelmişti. Hiçbirimizi tanımıyordu. Sıra Gelibolu Savaşlarına gelmişti. Çok anlaşılır şekilde anlatıyordu. Kitap ta güzel anlatıyordu, ödevimiz o akşam kitaptan Gelibolu Savaşlarını okumaktı. Kitaptan 40 yıl önce okuduğum bazı satırları hiç unutmam : “ Türkler Gelibolu’da stratejik bir tepeyi ele geçirmek için sürekli taarruz ediyorlardı. Her taarruzda yüzlerce şehit veriyor ama yılmıyor tekrar tekrar taarruz ediyorlardı. Verdikleri şehitlerin yüksek sayısı kararlılıklarını azaltmamış ve taarruzların hızı kesilmemişti. Sonunda Mustafa Kemal komutasındaki Türk Birlikleri stratejik tepeyi ele geçirmişlerdi”. (more…)

19 Jan

Hrant Dink, enemy of extremists and hatred everywhere.

Outspoken journalist Hrant Dink was killed on this day by an extremist Turkish Nationalist. He was a prominent Armenian-Turk and had written a substantial body of material about Turkish Armenian relations.


19 Jan

19.01.2015 – Media Release : Armenian Lobby fuels hatred – NSW Parliament supports them

ATA-A Media Release

19 January 2015

Armenian Lobby fuels hatred – NSW Parliament supports them

From time to time, we post examples of the hatred people express toward Turkey and people of Turkish descent. These are by no means the only examples we see, but just a sample to show how the work of some lobby groups works only to promote hatred and disharmony in our community. We want it to stop.

You will be able to see some example of hatred that has been expressed as a result of efforts by various lobby groups, amongst them, the Armenian National Committee (ANC) to promote their version of historical events in Ottoman Empire in 1915.
