
11 Nov

ASIO detected bomb plot by Armenian terrorists

by Brendan Nicholson

IN 1983, ASIO was trying to track down those responsible for a terrorist attack in Sydney when investigators discovered another atrocity was being planned.


05 Nov

How the US Government “nudges” its Armenians


by Tal Buenos *

Who generates the accusation of genocide against Turkey? It is a misconception to think that Armenians have masterminded this long lasting anti-Turkish campaign. The Armenian polemic is primarily an American issue. The accusation against Turkey serves American interests in two main ways; it keeps some skeletons of the Anglo-American imperialist past in the closet and it functions as a big stick in the U.S.’s present dealings with Turkey. Turkey’s many spheres of influence are of high importance to the U.S., which throughout the latter half of the 20th century and to this day has often needed Turkish cooperation in regional affairs. However, because of Turkey’s unique cultural history, it is not perceived in the U.S. as a natural ally, like the U.K. or Australia, but rather as requiring a “carrot and stick” approach.


25 Oct

25.10.2014 – ATA-A Remembers Victims of Armenian Terrorism

On this day…

October 24, 1975 – Paris, France

Ismail Erez

Ismail Erez

Talip Yener

Talip Yener

An Armenian gunman assassinates the Turkish Ambassador to France, Ismail Erez, also killing the Ambassador’s chauffeur, Talip Yener.

Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) and Justice Commandos of Armenian Genocide (JCAG) publicly dispute which group deserves credit for the assassination.

24 Oct

Bu Propagandist’e Hep Birlikte Cevap Verelim


Türk Toplumunun Değerli Üyeleri,

Ne yazıkki son hafta içinde Avustralyalı ‘sözde’ insan hakları savunucusu Geoffrey Robertson, yeni yazdığı ‘An Inconvienient Genocide’ adlı kitabını daha çok satabilmek için kanal – kanal gezip Türk toplumuna olan nefretini dile getirmektedir.
