
03 Apr

03.04.2014 – Armenian Lobby aims to jeopardise the Australian Turkish Friendship


April 2nd, 2014

Armenian Lobby aims to jeopardise the Australian Turkish Friendship

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At a time when the Turkish and Australian diggers are fighting side by side in countries like Afganistan, the hatred fuelled remarks of the Armenian lobby group is yet again attempting to paint the Republic of Turkey in the worst possible light by unfounded allegations with the obvious aim of jeopardising the friendship of Australia and Turkey.

Today the Turkish Community rallies against the shameful allegations of the Armenian Lobby on April 2nd 2014 in front of the Turkish Consulate on 66 Ocean Street, Woollahra. Turkish Community will defend their consulate, remembering the Turkish Consul-General Mr Sarik Ariyak who was assassinated by the Armenian Terrorists on the December 17th 1980 very close to that address, and also Turkey’s Melbourne consulate, which was also a victim of car bomb attack in 1986 by Armenian JCAG terrorists.

The rally is organised by the Youth Council of Australian Turkish Advocacy Alliance (ATA-A). ATA-A represents more than 120 Australian Turkish Associations and advocates on behalf of the interests of the Australian Turkish community, one of its roles is to advocate against turning foreign historical issues into a political football in Australia.

One should accept that as a member of NATO, and part of the International Community, Turkey has, consistent with its obligations, not only done what it could to try force Assad to step down, but has also borne the brunt of a large movement of people fleeing the fighting. In excess of 700,000 refugees from the fighting in Syria have come to Turkey and are currently being accommodated in that country. Turkey has cut all diplomatic and trade relations with what was once an important partner in the region. Its actions are entirely in line with the foreign policy of the US, Europe, and Australia.

With some 700,000 Syrian refugees in Turkey, there is no doubt that feelings among those people run high. There may well be some of those who sneak back over the border to attack the regime. To say that this means the Republic of Turkey is some sort of ally of Al Qaeda is as baseless an insult as to suggest that Australia is somehow similarly aligned with Al Qaeda since some Australian citizens leave here to fight in that war.

We condemn the attacks by the Al-Qaeda affiliated groups on the innocent civilians and also the attacks to the innocent Syrian Armenians in the city of Kessab. We also condemn the attempts by the Armenian Lobby to try manipulate Australia’s foreign policy as a weapon against Turkey. Such an action can only be seen as an attempt to use this country’s capabilities to further a foreign power’s interests. The Armenian Lobby’s policy goals are not aimed at Australia’s best interests, and seek only to use this country to try further leverage pressure on Turkey.


03 Apr

03.04.2014 – Ermeni Lobisi Avustralya – Turkiye Dostlugunu Hedef Almaktadir


3 Nisan 2014

Ermeni Lobisi Avustralya ve Turkiye’nin Dostluğunu Hedef Almaktadır

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Avustralya ve Türk askerlerinin Afganistan gibi ülkelerde omuz omuza savaştığı bir zamanda, Ermeni Lobisi nefret söylemleriyle Avustralya ve Türkiye dosluğunu hedef alarak, yine Türkleri ve Türkiye Cumhuriyetini asılsız ve desteksiz iftiralarla karalamaya çalışmaktadır.


03 Apr

AA: “Ermenilere cevabı Türkler verdi”

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Sydney’de Ermenilerin Türkiye Başkonsolosluğu önünde protesto düzenlemesi üzerine ülkedeki Türkler, Başkonsolosluk binasının çevresinde etten duvar ördü.


01 Apr

01.04.2015 – Turkish Community will Rally to Defend Turkish Consulate


April 1st, 2014


ATA-A represents more than 120 Australian Turkish Associations and advocates on behalf of the interests of the Australian Turkish community, one of its roles is to advocate against turning foreign historical issues into a political football in Australia.
