Category Archives: Blog Posts

21 Jul

32 Years on : Armenian Terrorism in Lisbon romanticised in Sydney

It is been 32 years, and terrorism is still being romanticised by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Armenian Youth Federation in Australia, who have invited convicted terrorists to Australia in the past to give lectures about a “United Armenian Agenda”.

21 Jul

Dadrian: An Armenian name in an American game

by Tal Buenos Vahakn N. Dadrian is often described by genocide scholars as the distinguished pioneer in their field of study. The high regard for this founding father of genocide scholarship is ingrained in the discourse on genocide as part ...

11 Jul

Speech at the Srebrenica Genocide Commemoration at the Bosnian Centre

Delivered on July 11th, 2015 at Bosnian Centre It is our solemn duty to gather to remember the genocide of Bosnian Muslims. A genocide that occurred, again in Europe, 50 years after the world promised they would never let this ...

12 Jun


by Mehmet Oğuzhan TULUN * Roman Catholic Church’s spiritual and temporal leader Pope Francis made an official visit to Bosnia & Herzegovina on 6 June. The Holy Father made a number of formal meetings, emphasized the importance of Bosnia & ...