Category Archives: Media Watch

27 Jan

Turkey calls for a ‘new beginning’ with Armenia

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has called on all Armenians to jointly seek ways to resolve their historical differences with Turkey, stressing that it is a must for Turks and Armenians to “engage in humane relations and to recognize each ...

20 Jan

Vatanını ve istiklalini savunan Türklere duyulan saygı

by Rasih Bensan 29 Temmuz 2012 “ Savaşı biz kazandık” demişti sınıf arkadaşım. “Hayır biz kazandık” diye cevap verdim. “ Siz daha çok şehit verdiniz, demek ki biz kazandık” diye itiraz etti. “ Evet ama şehit sayısı değil sonuç önemli, ...

15 Jan

Turkey – Azarbaijan and Australia are on NYT’s List of Places to go in 2015!

NYT = “Priced off the Greek Isles? Try southern Turkey.” This is What NYT writes about Kas : Kos is out. Kas is in. Economic cataclysm in Greece aside, prices remain high on the Greek islands, which increasingly have less ...

11 Jan

Turkish nationalist committee barred from entering Athens

The Talat Paşa Committee, a Turkish nationalist organization aiming to counter recognition of the 1915 events as the “Armenian genocide,” has been refused entry to Athens, where it had gone to issue a statement in protest at a recently approved ...