Representatives of 25 major Turkish associations in NSW attend to the farewell dinner organised by ATA-A Executive Board, for the Turkish Ambassador HE Mr Reha Keskintepe and his wife HE Mrs Martina Keskintepe
who will be leaving Australia at end of July.

We wish the Ambassador and his wife all the best at their new post.

You can read the Ambassdor’s farewell speech in Turkish at this link.

Photos from the night can be found at our FaceBook Page.


Sayin Buyukelci’ye Veda Yemegi

ATA-A yonetim kurulunun duzenledigi, Avustralyadaki gorev suresi dolan Sayin Buyukelci Reha Keskintepe ve esleri Martina Keskintepe onuruna verilen Veda Yemegi’ne NSW’de bulunan 25 Turk derneginin temsilcileri katilmistir.

Sayin Buyukelcimize ve eslerine yeni gorev yerlerinde basarilar diliyoruz.

Sayin Buyukelcinin veda konusmasina bu linkten ulabilirsiniz.

Gecenin Fotograflarina FaceBook sayfamizdan ulsabilirsiniz.