Tags: "Anzac Day"

06 May

Reflections from Gallipoli

Beneath is a piece written by Ms Bianca Hambly, an Australian university graduate, following her visit to Gallipoli for ANZAC Day 2018 ceremonies. “I was really proud to be a young Australian at Anzac Cove. I am proud of the ...

10 Jan

Prince Charles and Prince Harry to attend Gallipoli commemoration

Crown Prince Charles and Prince William of Great Britain, and Prince Harry, are scheduled to attend the centennial of the Battle of Gallipoli in Çanakkale in late April. The Turkish government, meanwhile, is considering decorating Crowe for his recent film ...

18 Jul

18.07.2014 – Dışişleri Bakanı Julie Bishop : ‘Avustralya 1915 olaylarını soykırım olarak tanımamaktadır.’

ATAA Basın Bülteni 18 Temmuz 2014 Avustralya federal Dışişleri Bakanı Julie Bishop ATA-A’ya gönderdiği mektupta Türk toplumuna Avustralya’nın 1915 olaylarını soykırım olarak tanımamakta olduğunu bildirdi.

26 Apr

26.04.2014 – ATA-A Joins the Anzac Day Parade in Canberra

ATAA Press Release April 26th 2014 ATA-A Joins the Anzac Day Parade in Canberra Australian Turkish Advocacy Alliance (ATA-A) represented the Australian Turkish Community at the Anzac Day Parade at the 99th anniversary of the Anzac Day Commemorations held at ...