Tags: "Armenian Genocide Lies"

11 Jan

Turkish nationalist committee barred from entering Athens

The Talat Paşa Committee, a Turkish nationalist organization aiming to counter recognition of the 1915 events as the “Armenian genocide,” has been refused entry to Athens, where it had gone to issue a statement in protest at a recently approved ...

10 Jan

Turkish FM backs Perinçek over ‘no Armenian genocide’ claim

Turkey’s Foreign Minister has backed the leader of a small Turkish political party accused by the Swiss authorities of racial discrimination over remarks made about the “Armenian genocide” issue in 2007. Doğu Perinçek, chairman of the nationalist Workers’ Party, is ...

10 Jan

Ermeni Patrik Vekilinden soykırım dersi

Türkiye Ermenileri Patrikvekili Başpiskopos Ateşyan, ‘Yabancı devletlerin müdahaleleri ile çözüm olamaz’ mesajı verirken, Ruhani Meclisi Birinci Başrahip Anuşyan da ‘Emperyalistler devre dışı bırakılsın’ dedi

10 Jan

Prince Charles and Prince Harry to attend Gallipoli commemoration

Crown Prince Charles and Prince William of Great Britain, and Prince Harry, are scheduled to attend the centennial of the Battle of Gallipoli in Çanakkale in late April. The Turkish government, meanwhile, is considering decorating Crowe for his recent film ...