Türk Toplumunun Değerli Üyeleri, Ne yazıkki son hafta içinde Avustralyalı ‘sözde’ insan hakları savunucusu Geoffrey Robertson, yeni yazdığı ‘An Inconvienient Genocide’ adlı kitabını daha çok satabilmek için kanal – kanal gezip Türk toplumuna olan nefretini dile getirmektedir.
by Maxime Gauin * In the context of the Perinçek v. Switzerland case, and of the forthcoming centennial of 1915, Turkey will be, once again, pressured to “face history.” However, who can contest the fact that contemporary history should be ...
ATA-A Media Release 4 September 2014 NSW Politician’s racist post against Turks lead to divisive comments on Facebook Last week Australian Turkish Advocacy Alliance (“ATA-A”) engaged in its first ever “advocacy week” in Canberra. During the Advocacy Week, ATA-A has ...
ATA-A Media Release 1 Septeber 2014 ATA-A Advocacy Week : ‘A Great Success’ Last week Australian Turkish Advocacy Alliance (“ATA-A”) engaged in its first ever “advocacy week” in Canberra. ATA-A CEO Mr Ertunc Ozen, Executive Secretary Gunes Gungor and the ...