Tags: "jcag"

11 Nov

ASIO detected bomb plot by Armenian terrorists

by Brendan Nicholson IN 1983, ASIO was trying to track down those responsible for a terrorist attack in Sydney when investigators discovered another atrocity was being planned.

03 Jun

03.06.2014 – Terrorist Granted Visa to Address Armenian Youth

ATA-A PRESS RELEASE June 3rd, 2014 Terrorist Granted Visa to Address Armenian Youth Viken Hovsepian who is a convicted terrorist, invited by the Armenian Youth Federation (“AYF”) to give a speech about a “United Agenda for Armenians” to the Armenian ...

02 Feb

JCAG – Bringing Terrorism Down Under

Dec 17 marks the 33rd anniversary of the assassination of the Consul-General of Turkey and his bodyguard, by terrorist member of the “Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide”. They were never caught, and although a number of attempted imports of ...

01 Feb

ASIO warned of 1983 Armenian terror plot

It’s almost forgotten now but one of the most notorious terror acts perpetrated on Australian soil was conducted by a little known group against a Turkish diplomat. In the attack on December 17, 1980, unknown gunmen assassinated Sarik Ariyak, the ...