Tags: "Perincek Case"

09 Jan

09.01.2015 – Charlie Hebdo Attack : Freedom of Speech is Not to be Selective

The reprehensible murders committed yesterday in France are a merciless act of terrorism, and such an act must be vehemently condemned by every civilized individual and institution. ATA-A too condemns this act of terrorism, and extends its condolences to those ...

20 Dec

20.12.2014 – DFAT Releases internal communications on the Event of 1915

ATA-A Media Release 20 December 2014 DFAT Releases internal communications on the Event of 1915 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade released internal communication documents about the “Events of 1915” under the Freedom of Information request made last month. The ...

18 Dec

Perincek Davasinda Zafer

Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi (AİHM), Doğu Perinçek’in İsviçre aleyhine 2008’de yaptığı başvuruyu karara bağladı. AİHM, Perinçek’i haklı buldu ve İsviçre’nin Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin (AİHS) ifade özgürlüğünü düzenleyen 10’uncu maddesini ihlal ettiğine karar verdi.

10 Dec

Perincek vs Switzerland is post-colonialism vs post-9/11-ism

by Tal Buenos * Freedom of expression has already won the day in Perinçek versus Switzerland thanks to the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to reverse the Swiss criminalization of Doğu Perinçek’s expressed view of the ...