Tags: "Turkish"

05 Jun

Lobbyists Must Stop Meddling With the Editorial Policies of SBS

WE CALL UPON ETHNIC LOBBYISTS TO STOP MEDDLING WITH THE EDITORIAL INTEGRITY OF SBS Media plays a powerful role in shaping the public opinion. It is therefore important to highlight when lobbyists try meddling with the independence and editorial integrity ...

20 Mar

Multicultural Harmony in NSW

NSW Premier Gladys Berejeklian and the Minister for Multiculturalism Ray Williams on Thursday (March 16) hosted an amazing dinner that brought people from all different backgrounds in the state together. ATA-A congratulates Ms Berejeklian, Mr Williams and those who organised this ...

23 Jan

ATA-A Congratulates Berejiklian

The Australian Turkish Advocacy Alliance (ATA-A) congratulates Ms Gladys Berejiklian for her ascension into the premiership of one of the most diverse and multicultural states in the world, New South Wales (NSW). Daughter of an Armenian immigrant family, Ms Berejiklian ...

22 Dec

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Nails It

This wasn’t a personal beef (by Armenian extremists) against any of them (Turkish diplomats) this was terrorism right, this was a politically motivated strategic serial homicide campaign against Turkish diplomats in particular, and because of that unique and terrible and ...