Tags: "Turkey"

17 Jul

The Evidence Problem In Genocide Claims

Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence… Famously uttered by then the U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in order to convince the world existence of the non-existing WMD’s in Iraq ahead of the 2003 War, the statement ...

28 Apr

Turkey: A Friend and Ally Against Terrorism

Australia’s frontline in fighting terrorism is Turkey. Turkey has stopped 420 suspected Australian jihadists from entering the country and extradited at least 12 of them back to Australia in recent times, according to a senior Turkish official quoted by the ...

27 Jan

Denmark: Leave history to historians

Last Thursday, January 26, Danish lawmakers decided – in line with parliamentary tradition – to leave history to historians. In a resolution adopted by an outright majority, the Danes once again made it clear that the characterization of the events ...

22 Dec

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Nails It

This wasn’t a personal beef (by Armenian extremists) against any of them (Turkish diplomats) this was terrorism right, this was a politically motivated strategic serial homicide campaign against Turkish diplomats in particular, and because of that unique and terrible and ...