
20 Dec

20.12.2014 – DFAT Releases internal communications on the Event of 1915

ATA-A Media Release

20 December 2014

DFAT Releases internal communications on the Event of 1915


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade released internal communication documents about the “Events of 1915” under the Freedom of Information request made last month. The document can be reached at DFAT website .


18 Dec

Perincek Davasinda Zafer

Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi (AİHM), Doğu Perinçek’in İsviçre aleyhine 2008’de yaptığı başvuruyu karara bağladı. AİHM, Perinçek’i haklı buldu ve İsviçre’nin Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin (AİHS) ifade özgürlüğünü düzenleyen 10’uncu maddesini ihlal ettiğine karar verdi.


11 Dec

Top Research Journal Dedicates Special Issue on WW1 and the Armenian Case

Routledge’s prestigious journal “Middle East Critique” dedicated its issue on World War One and the Armenian Case.

At the Editor’s Note, Middle East Critique editor Eric Hooglund stated that they are dedicating the Summer issue of the journal to World War One on the 100th anniversary, with Prof Hakan Yavuz as the Special Issue Guest Editor, because “major political consequence”s of WW1 still effect us today, one of which is “less well-known issue” of the Turco-Armenian conflict.

Middle East Critique is classified as a “A*” journal by the Australian Research Council for its Excellence in Research for Australia initiative, placing it in the top 5% of journals in the “Humanities and Creative Arts” cluster.

You can buy this special issue at Routledge’s website .

Middle East Critique


10 Dec

Kanadalı Türkler’in 100 yıldır unutulan tehciri

by Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇİÇEK


Osmanlı hükümetinin 1915’teki Ermeni tehcirini yapmasından 8 ay önce Kanada hükümeti bir ‘Savaş Önlemleri Kanunu’ çıkardı ve 200 Türk’ü Osmanlı oldukları için esir aldı.
